5 Fascy Facts on The Nobel Prize

Every year, the Nobel committee selects the nominees for various fields of honor in

recognizing their remarkable contributions to the benefit of mankind in the preceding year.

Let’s have a glance at some of the facts that you wish you had known before.

1. The last wish of Alfred Nobel.

Alfred Nobel died in 1895. He signed 3 last wishes at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris.

After his death, they were read. The last wish among the 3 wishes is to establish a prize under

his name for which he also left some of his wealth.

Bonus fact:    Although his family opposed the idea, the first-ever Nobel prize was awarded 5 years after his death.

2. Not every scholar can win the Nobel.

The Nobel prize is awarded in 5 different fields as mentioned in the last wish of Alfred

Nobel. They are,

• Physics

• Chemistry

• Physiology or medicine

• Literature

• Peace

3. It is more than a prize and far more than recognition.

The winner receives a large cash prize along with a diploma and a gold medal.

Bonus fact: The medal is inscribed in the Latin language, which means "FOR THE PEACE


4. Mahatma Gandhi -The missing Laureate.

Even though Mahatma Gandhi was nominated 5 times for the Peace prize, he was not

honored even once. The Nobel Committee publicly regretted overlooking Gandhi but never

revealed the true reason behind it.

To respectfully honor him, the 1948 Nobel Prize- following his death, the committee

decided not to award it to anyone.

5. First Indian to receive a Nobel Prize.

In 1913, Rabindranath Tagore was honored with Nobel Prize in Literature. He is in fact, the

first Asian and first non-European to be honored with Nobel Prize.

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